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PreK - 2nd Grades: Primary Teacher
It is crucial in these grades that parents treat their days at home as though they are the primary teacher. Young elementary students need instruction every day. At this age, the student should not be left to work independently.
- Each concept in all subject areas from “at school” days should be reviewed on home-days.
- Parent should be sitting one-on-one with the student as they complete their home assignments.
- Teaching new concepts in all subject areas is a must.
- Math should be reinforced with hands-on learning activities.
- Reading assignments should be done together to insure both fluency and comprehension.
3rd - 4th Grades: Co-Teacher
Students in these grades have mastered the basics of math and reading and are able to retain more of the in-class instruction. This helps them function more independently after at home instruction is given. The student could be left to work independently ONLY for very short periods of time after a concept is explained. The parent is a co-teacher at this age and must teach students on home days.
- Math concepts should be taught as well as a daily review of math facts.
- Elementary English encompasses a lot of details as they learn writing skills and correct grammar structure. This will take daily parent instruction.
- Spelling words should be practiced daily to help with retention.
- Reading skills should be reinforced by reading aloud for fluency and discussing to gauge comprehension.
- History and science lessons should be completed with parental involvement to be sure the student is understanding the content.
5th - 6th Grades: Tutor
With three days in the classroom, more instruction is given at school. However, the home days are still critical. Your involvement is most definitely still needed. Parent role is like that of a tutor working with students each day at home.
- Assignments should be reviewed with parent and a schedule made for the workday.
- Help and instruction from the parent should be given in areas where the student has struggles.
- History and/or science should be done as a team. Reading and discussing content helps students process big picture information. Parents should guide students to reexamine the text for answers and study items.
- Assignments should be reviewed for accuracy and quality by the parent. Mistakes or sub-par work should be pointed out, but the student should make their own corrections and not be given the answers. It is not necessary to grade all assignments. However, parents should check over several problems/questions to make sure the student understands the concept in all subject areas.
- Although student may work independently some of the time, parent needs to always be nearby and available. Parent should check in often with the student and make sure assignments are complete and concepts understood.
- Help with projects and studying for tests should be part of the parent’s responsibility at this stage. The more parents invest in this process now, the better prepared students are to be more independent in years to come.
7th - 9th Grades: Personal Trainer
Students should be actively developing study habits that coincide with their learning style. Although some work is done independently, parents are like a personal trainer that students go to for help when needed. Parents should be available at all times to “train” the student. Parents should be encouraging and helpful and also guide the student to a growing awareness of personal consequences.
- Parent should monitor that the student is keeping up with all assignments daily. The student should respectfully reach out to a teacher if content or instruction is not understood. If a student continues to struggle with a class, the parent should communicate their concerns to the teacher. It is important for the parent to make sure the student gets the help they need, even if that means hiring a private tutor.
- Students are responsible for completing their homework assignments. Parents should “trust but verify” by reviewing the completed work and making sure it is done to the best of the student’s ability.
- Discussing history and science helps the text come alive and increases comprehension.
- Literature can be a source of frustration for the student as they must dig deeper into the meaning the author is trying to convey. Discussing with parents can be very helpful.
- Offering guidance for the student in doing research and helping the student avoid plagiarism in their writing is a big part of the parent role in this age group.
- Major projects should be done with parent interaction with teaching moments on project planning and execution.
10th - 12th Grades: Coach
Courses offered at this level require independent study skills and disciplined planning for completing homework assignments, tests, and projects. The parent acts as a coach by monitoring work performance, helping with time management skills, and providing additional guidance when needed. Tenth grade students will need more intervention and attention, but by the end of tenth grade, students should be completely independent learners and parents need only provide guidance and accountability in eleventh and twelfth grades.
By this age students should communicate with teachers regarding academic and classroom questions. Parents may coach students in correct communication skills and prompt students when communicating with a teacher is necessary. It is important that students learn to self-advocate as this skill is imperative for success in college.
Attendance Policies
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Excused Absences
These absences include student illness, death in the family, or an emergency in the immediate family. Because these events are unplanned, pre-arranged absence forms are not necessary. Absences because of a doctor or dental appointment are also excused. In these instances, a note from the doctor or dentist is required. Parents must email or call the front office to explain the absence for it to be recorded as excused. Emailing the teacher may be helpful, but does not replace contacting the front office to report an excused absence.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Students are allowed a maximum of two weeks of at-school days in a school year to be used for pre-arranged absences.
- All pre-arranged absences must be planned with advance notice.
- A pre-arranged absence form is electronic and found in the Fideles App. The form must be completed and submitted in advance of the absence.
- The administration will inform teachers of the approved absence.
- Missed work, tests, and projects must be turned in the first day back unless a later due date has been arranged with the teacher prior to the absence.
• If the form is not submitted prior to the absence, it will be unexcused and will carry the consequence of a 20% grade reduction for any graded activity for the day(s) the student is absent. Please see the Unexcused Absence section below for further information.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences carry the consequence of a 20% grade reduction for any graded activity during the day(s) the student is absent, including if a student is tardy or leaves early. Students will receive the grade reduction regardless of whether the reason for the unexcused absence was due to their parents’ error or the student’s own responsibility.
Types of absences that are unexcused:
- Absences that exceed allowed excused absences limit.
- Absences that do not fall under excused absences defined above and were not pre-arranged and approved.
Absentee Limit - Excessive Absences
Students must regularly attend classes to successfully complete a course. Absences either excused or unexcused that total more than 4 weeks per school year for any single class may result in loss of promotion or class credit. Four weeks for 3-day students would be 12 absences and for 2-day students 8 absences. Excessive absences can result in a re-enrollment interview with parents and the Administration and re-enrollment is not guaranteed.
Missed Work while Absent
All missed work, tests, or quizzes are due on the first day the student returns to class, unless otherwise agreed upon with the teacher and noted on the Pre-Arranged Absence form. Work submitted after this time will be subject to Fideles’ late work policy. Work missed can be seen in Family Portal Homework and Lesson Plans, or it will be designated as “missing” in the Gradebook.
See Academic Policies for specific policies regarding missed work and late penalties.
Signing In and Out
If a student needs to leave before the end of the school day, a parent or designated adult must come into the school office in the building where the student is in class and sign the student out. If the student returns before the end of the day, the parent or designated adult must come into the school office in the building where the student is returning to class and sign the student in. If a student is more than ten minutes tardy the drop-off adult must sign them in.
If the student drives, the parent must call the school office and give permission for the student to sign themselves out. If a student needs to leave early on a regular basis, then the parent can give blanket written permission for the student to sign themselves out at a designated time each day. Students who drive must sign themselves in and out when leaving and arriving on campus during the school day, but may only do so with parental permission. If the driving student returns before the end of the day they may sign themselves back in.
Students arriving after the start bell for any class will be marked tardy. After three unexcused tardies a student will be required to stay after school for a 30-minute detention. Student and parents will be informed in advance of two dates available for detention and will be expected to make arrangements necessary and inform the administration of the date selected. Athletic practices are not an excuse for missing or rescheduling detention. If the students fails to serve detention on one of the two dates offered, detention will be increased to one hour on a date selected by the administration.
Academic Policies
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Academic Dishonesty Kindergarten through 6th Grade
One of the goals of Fideles Christian School is to provide our students with a high quality of academic education, which includes spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth. This demands that students and parents adhere to high standards of personal integrity.
- Publisher printed test materials should not be in the home and may not be used to aid students in preparing for tests.
- Students must do their own work at home with parent guidance and supervision, only.
- Students may not have access to teacher materials that include answers.
- Students may not copy from another student’s homework or test.
- Students working in groups on home days must complete their work independently and not share answers.
If a teacher determines an act of academic dishonesty has been committed, he/she will contact the parents with credible evidence. The first offense will result in a warning and will be considered a learning opportunity for parent and student. The second offense will result in a zero on the assignment or test. A third offense will require a meeting with the administration to determine a reasonable and corrective course of action.
Academic Dishonesty 7th through 12th Grades
Academic dishonesty in any form is both a serious breach of personal integrity and a serious hindrance to real student learning. Because of this, FCS has developed this policy, which is intended to curb and, when necessary, correct academic dishonesty in order to better help the institution minister to the needs of its students.
Defining Academic Dishonesty:
General: Academic dishonesty is broadly defined as any attempt on the part of a student or parent, whether realized or not, to falsely represent the student’s level of achievement or mastery in a given course or with regard to any element of that course. This includes but is not limited to:
- Claiming or indicating in any form or fashion that the student has fulfilled any assignment or other academic responsibility, such as reading assigned texts or engaged in assigned study, when in fact he has not done so,
- Using any assistance, including but not limited to copying the work of other students, in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations without the direct and explicit authorization of the teacher,
- Using any resources, including solution manuals and teacher edition textbooks, AI assistance, etc., other than those authorized by the teacher in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, studying for tests, or completing other course assignments,
- Obtaining quizzes, tests, examinations, or other academic materials or evaluation instruments created by or belonging to an instructor, other staff member, curriculum publisher, or the school, including past exams, tests, quizzes, or homework from another currently enrolled or former student, without the explicit authorization of the teacher,
- Engaging in plagiarism, (which includes but is not limited to “the knowing or negligent use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement” and “the knowing or negligent unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency” which customarily sells or offers free of charge term papers or other academic materials),
- Altering a graded paper or project for the purpose of disputing the accuracy of the grade,
- Working with another student or students during any quiz, test, or examination, or while completing homework without the explicit authorization of the teacher.
Specific: The following guidelines define FCS’s standard application of the general definition given above to (1) quizzes, tests and other examinations, (2) homework, and (3) major papers and projects. Individual course instructors may grant exceptions to these guidelines, but must do so explicitly, as indicated by the relevant policy statements given below. Any academic assignments which, by their nature, are not addressed by these guidelines, will be governed by whatever guidelines are provided by the course instructor with regard to such an assignment.
- Quizzes, tests and other examinations: all quizzes, tests and other examinations, whether conducted in the classroom or in some other location, must be taken at a single sitting and without outside assistance of any sort, including but not limited to books, notes, other individuals, reference works and internet. Any exception to these guidelines must be given by the instructor in writing to all of the students in the class.
- Homework: homework should be done by the student alone and without undue assistance, including information provided in teacher edition textbooks, unless such assistance is authorized, either orally or in writing by the teacher, or as outlined in the Parent Roles in Partnership on page 6 of this manual. The teacher may grant such authorization, at any time and for any duration to all of the students in the class or to selected students only, provided that the teacher feels it is in the best educational interests of the student(s) receiving such authorization.
- Major papers and projects: major papers and projects should reflect the work of the student or the members of a student group constituted by the instructor for the purpose of completing the paper or project in question without undue assistance, except as explicitly authorized by the teacher.
Discovery and Determination of Academic Dishonesty: Determination of academic dishonesty may be made by the teacher of the class in which it was determined to have been committed. Other school officials, including proctors or other substitutes, may alert the teacher to the possibility of academic dishonesty should they have credible evidence, including eye witness observations, which indicate that cheating, plagiarism, or other dishonesty has indeed taken place, he shall inform the affected student(s) of his finding and, in conjunction with the relevant school officials, shall impose the proper penalties as described below.
- Appeals Process: Should a student desire to appeal the determination of the teacher, he must request in writing a hearing with an administrator, who will arrange for a conference with the student, one or both parents (or guardians), and the teacher of the course. During this conference, all relevant evidence will be presented and examined. Following the conclusion of the conference the administrator will render a determination in the matter based on his assessment of the weight and credibility of whatever evidence is presented for review.
- Penalties: The primary intentions of the imposition of penalties against students found guilty of academic dishonesty are to (a) act as a deterrent against such conduct, (b) to enhance the integrity of grades awarded by FCS, and (c) to place pressure on an erring student in the hope of motivating him to abandon this destructive behavior.
Offenses are cumulative through 7th and 8th grade, and again through high school.
- First Offense: a first offense will result in (1) a written warning from the teacher to both the student and his parents, (2) a grade of zero for the assignment affected by the academic dishonesty, and (3) a written report sent to the campus administration.
- Second Offense: a second offense will result in (1) a written warning from the principal to both the student and his parents, (2) a grade of zero for the assignment affected by the academic dishonesty, (3) a conference between the principal and the parents of the student, and (4) a writing assignment for the student, in which he investigates and reports on Biblical instruction regarding honesty and integrity.
- Third Offense: a third offense will result in a one day suspension from school, in accordance with the guidelines generally applicable to such a suspension, (2) a grade of zero for the assignment affected by the academic dishonesty, (3) remove students from qualification for academic honors for the school year in which the third offense occurs, (4) a twelve week suspension from school leadership positions like Student Life Council, worship team, news anchor or reporter, athletic team captain, or other position that involves being a public representative of the school or leader of peers at school.
- Fourth Offense: a fourth offense will result in a one day suspension from school, in accordance with the guidelines generally applicable to such a suspension, (2) a grade of zero for the assignment affected by the academic dishonesty, (3) remove students from qualification for academic honors for the school year in which the fourth offense occurs, (4) a permanent removal from school leadership positions like Student Life Council, worship team, news anchor or reporter, athletic team captain, or other position that involves being a public representative of the school or leader of peers at school, (5) and may result in expulsion from the school.
Academic Probation 3rd through 6th Grades
Students must have a grade average of all core subjects (language, math, science, and history) above 75% at the end of a quarter to remain in good academic standing. If a student has 75% or lower average for all core subjects, or if a student fails any one core subject, the student will be placed on academic probation for the next two quarters. Parents and teachers will communicate throughout the process in an effort to help the student improve their performance. If a student is unable to recover after two consecutive quarters on academic probation, it may be recommended that the family seek a school model that better meets the needs of their student.
Academic Probation 7th through 12th Grade
Students who fail one or more classes or whose average grade of all core subjects (math, English, foreign language, history, and science) is below 78% at the end of a semester will be placed on academic probation. A student will have one semester to recover from academic probation. If a student should have an average of less than 78% in core subjects or fails any class for two consecutive semesters he/she may be blocked from further enrollment in classes at FCS.
Any class that a student fails must be successfully repeated before the student will be allowed to continue enrolling in the course sequence in which the student earned the failing grade. Both attempts at taking the course will appear and be calculated on the transcript.
NOTE: Academic Probation for Rangers Athletics may be found in the Rangers Athletics Handbook.
Grading Scale Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Report cards are issued quarterly.
0-100 Scale | Letter Grade |
91-100 | E |
86-90 | S+ |
76-85 | S |
70-75 | S- |
0-69 | U |
Grading Scale 2nd through 6th grade
0-100 Scale | Letter Grade |
90-100 | A |
80-89 | B |
70-79 | C |
0-69 | F |
Grades for work completed at home: All work completed on home days will be returned to school to be checked for completion and accuracy. To accurately gauge a student’s grade level progress, work done in the classroom will be a larger percentage of a student’s average grade in a subject. Work completed at home is expected to be completed at a higher level of competency than work completed in the classroom because at home a student receives more personalized attention.
Grading Scale 7th through 12th Grade
0-100 Scale | Letter Grade | Earned GPA |
93-100 | A | 4.0 |
90-92 | A- | 3.67 |
87-89 | B+ | 3.33 |
83-86 | B | 3.0 |
80-82 | B- | 2.67 |
77-79 | C+ | 2.33 |
73-76 | C | 2.0 |
70-72 | C- | 1.67 |
0-69 | F | 0 |
*Honors Credit & Weighted GPA – Student’s will receive a weighted GPA when taking an honors level course. In some cases a student may be given the opportunity to receive honors credit within a non-honors course, if an honors level course is not offered for that class. In this case, a student must maintain at least a B average in the class in order to qualify for honors credit.
Homework Expectations Kindergarten through 6th grade
These are general guidelines for the amount of homework parents can expect on home days based on grade level. Language Arts and math will usually have more work than other subjects, though some days that will vary based on special events and projects. Times will depend largely on the pace at which individual students work.
Kindergarten: 2-3 hours
1st and 2nd grades: 4-5 hours
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades: 4-6 hours
Homework Expectations 7th through 12th Grades
These are general guidelines for the amount of homework students can expect on home days based on subject. Times will vary based on the pace at which individual students work, special events, tests, and projects.
- Math & English: each of these subjects may average 1-1/2 hours of homework
- Science & History: may average 30-45 minutes of homework
- Spanish: may have 45-60 minutes of homework
- Electives: may have 20-30 minutes of homework
On average middle and high school students will have 6-7 hours of homework on home days. High school students may, on occasion, have up to 8 hours of homework on days when working on research papers and special projects. It is extremely important for students to learn time management and be prepared to do work on weekends or weeknights when needed.
Incomplete Classwork 2nd through 5th grade
In 2nd through 5th grades when a child fails to complete an assignment that the teacher determines should have been completed at school, the assignment will be sent home at the end of that school day with a BLUE note attached letting parents know that the work was not completed as required in class. The incomplete work should be completed at home independently. Parents should not assist students with this assignment, as this would give the child an unfair advantage over classmates that completed the work in a timely manner at school.
After receiving FIVE blue notes, a parent conference may be scheduled. This policy is designed to help students learn the importance of completing assignments on time and staying on task throughout the day at the same pace as their peers. It is always our goal to make sure our students are prepared for the next year.
Late Work Policies Kindergarten through 6th Grade
Late work — All work should be completed at home on the day it is assigned and is due the next school day, unless a later due date is communicated by the teacher in FACTS Family Portal. If work is not turned in on the due date, an “M” will be entered in the gradebook for “missing.” The “M” will calculate as a zero until it is replaced with a grade. Ten percentage points will be deducted from unexcused late work every school day it is late. Unexcused missing work may not be turned in for a grade on the third-class day after the original due date or any date after.
Late work due to illness — If a student misses class or cannot complete at-home work due to illness, he will have one week from the original due date to turn in his assignments. When a student is out for an extended illness the parents work closely with the teacher to assure the student has a fair amount of time without drawing out the process excessively.
Late work due to travel— All missed work, tests, or quizzes are due on the first day the student returns to class, unless otherwise agreed upon with the teacher and noted on the Pre-Arranged Absence form. Work submitted after this time will be subject to Fideles’ late work policy stated above.
Late Work Policies 7th through 12th Grades
All work should be completed at home on the day it is assigned and is due the next school day, unless a later due date is communicated by the teacher in FACTS Family Portal. If work is not turned in on the due date, an “M” will be entered in the gradebook for “missing.” The “M” will calculate as a zero until it is replaced with a grade.
LATE WORK PENALTIES 7th & 8th Grade:
- 1 class day late: —10 %
- 2 class days late: —20 %
- 3 class days late: no credit for the assignment
- 1 class day late: —15 %
- 2 class days late: —30 %
- 3 class days late: no credit for the assignment
Late Work Due to Illness: If a student misses class due to illness, or is unable to complete at-home work due to illness, missing work and tests will be due on the 2nd school day after returning to school. If a student misses two or more days due to illness, missing work and tests must be made up within a week of returning to school, or student must coordinate with the teacher to develop a reasonable schedule for work completion. It is the student’s responsibility to contact a classmate for class notes and classroom assignments, and to arrange makeup tests.
Late Work Due to Pre-Arranged Absence — All missed work, tests, or quizzes are due on the first day the student returns to class, unless otherwise agreed upon with the teacher and noted on the Pre-Arranged Absence form. Work submitted after this time will be subject to Fideles’ late work policy. Work missed can be seen in Family Portal Homework and Lesson Plans, or it will be designated as “missing” in the Gradebook.
Standardized Testing
Students in 1st through 9th grade will be given the Iowa Assessment standardized test the week before or after Spring Break each year. Schedules for testing week will be communicated in advance. Tenth and 11th grade students will be given the PSAT every October, in line with students nationwide.
Standardized test results are not used for grade advancement or teacher evaluation. The scores give a picture of how our students are performing compared to private school’s nationwide and provide data that is used for school improvement planning.
High School: Course Load, Dual Enrollment, Final Exams
Course Load Students must take a full load (6 credits) each semester enrolled at Fideles. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be considered based on the following criteria.
- Juniors and Seniors enrolled in more than two honors courses or a dual enrollment course.
- Students enrolled in one AP level course.
- Students taking an online course for a required credit that Fideles cannot provide.
- Students who have a written SAP through Fideles that allows classroom accommodations.
Withdrawing from Courses If approved by a student’s parent, teacher, and advisor, the student may withdraw from courses during the first four weeks of a semester without the course appearing on the student’s transcript. A student withdrawing after that point but before the end of the first nine-week term will receive a ‘WP’ or ‘WF’ on his or her transcript. No withdrawals will be approved after nine weeks. A Course Withdrawal form is available by request to the High School Advisor.
Transfer Credits & Dual Enrollment With prior approval from school administration, electives taken from another accredited educational program may be transferred and added to the student’s Fideles transcript. Students must take a minimum of six classes per semester at Fideles (see course load). Full-time juniors and seniors may have one study hall per semester to dual enroll in an accredited college program with prior approval from the Fideles administration through the Director of Upper School.
High School Final Exams Comprehensive final exams will be given at the end of the semester for each core, high school level subject. Core subjects are math, science, history, language arts, and foreign languages. Non-core subjects must have a final semester test that may or may not be comprehensive. At the end of first semester, seniors only may be exempt from final exams in courses with an overall average of 95. Seniors may not exempt a first semester math or Physics final. Taking the final exam ensures the retention necessary to move forward with the class second semester. At the end of second semester, seniors only will be exempt from final exams in all courses with an overall average of 93. AP students are exempt from taking second semester final exam in their AP course.
Honor Rolls
Fideles recognizes academic achievement each year through the following honor rolls.
3rd – 6th Grade Students: A honor roll for students who earn a 90 or above in each subject.
Certificates are awarded in the following categories:
- All A’s x Quarter (x = First, Second, Third, or Fourth)
- All A’s All Year
- or any combination of quarters they receive All A’s
3rd – 6th grader students receive their honor roll certificates at the end of the school year for which honors are awarded.
7th – 11th Grade Students: Honor Roll is based on grades at the end of first and second semester last school year.
A/B Honor Roll for students who earned a 3.0 or above in every subject, each semester. That is a grade of 83 or above with at least one grade of 90 or above.
A Honor Roll for students who earned a 90 or above in every subject, each semester.
4.0 Honor Roll – students who earned a 93 or above in every subject, each semester.
7th – 11th grade students will receive their honor roll certificates in August of the following school year during a chapel period.
Seniors will receive their honor roll certificates at their graduation rehearsal.
Certificates are awarded at this time to allow for all grades to be entered and calculated so that students are fairly awarded what they have earned.
Student Behavior & Discipline Policies
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Student Code of Conduct
Honor Code
As students of Fideles Christian School, we agree to do what is right, to speak the truth, and to strive for integrity and Christ-like behavior in all that we do. Therefore, we will not be involved in lying, cheating, stealing, disruptive behavior or illegal activity on or off campus. Violations of the honor system in matters pertaining to any facet of school life can result in consequences that lead toward expulsion.
Student Code of Conduct
Upon enrollment each family must agree to this code of conduct.
- Students should show respect to authority. This includes using an appropriate title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Coach, etc.) when addressing an adult.
- Students should treat each other with respect, kindness, purity, and compassion just as God commands us in Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them to do you.”
- Plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as one’s own.” All student work must be original or sources must be cited.
- Students must keep to the uniform code on campus and appropriate dress code at school sponsored events when directed.
- Students should arrive on time to every class.
- Students are expected to keep the facility and grounds clean and orderly.
- The students will control their behavior inside and outside, refraining from any activity that may cause harm to another.
- Students may only drink water in the school building, except in the lunchroom where they may drink age appropriate beverages.
- Use of profanity is strictly prohibited.
- Public displays of affection such as hand holding, kissing, hugging, are not permitted on campus or at school sponsored events.
- Students are not allowed to bring a cell phone or any electronic device to school unless the students and parents have signed a technology contract. Students 5th grade and younger may not bring any electronic device or phone to school.
- Students may not bully or harass other students, or expose other students to immoral and inappropriate language or content through social media, technology, or during direct interaction.
- Tobacco or vaping products, illegal drugs, alcohol, or weapons are not allowed on campus or at any school sponsored event.
- FCS reserves the right to address any off campus conduct deemed to be significantly affecting on-campus relationships and/or learning environment.
Disciplinary Philosophy
We consider parents to be the primary disciplinarians of their students. It is necessary to establish rules of discipline to maintain an orderly environment on campus and in classrooms. Discipline is administered according to the following categories:
Disruptive behavior: behavior that the teacher deems distracting to the teacher, the class, or any disrespectful behavior
Dangerous or injurious behavior: any behavior that the teacher or staff deems potentially dangerous or harmful to the student or other students (physical or emotional)
Immoral behavior: behavior that the teacher or staff deems Biblically inappropriate (language or actions)
Destructive behavior: any behavior that the teacher or staff deems destructive to property
Discipline Policies: Kindergarten through 4th Grade
School rules will be enforced by the teacher’s classroom management plan and discipline will be enforced at the discretion of the teachers and administration according to these guidelines.
Infractions of a chronic or serious nature can result in immediate removal from the classroom. Students who persist in disrespectful, disruptive, dangerous, immoral or destructive behavior may be subject to suspension or expulsion.
Suspension restricts a student from attending or participating in any school activity during the duration for the suspension. Suspension may also include academic suspension when a student may not be permitted to make up or turn in missed work during the suspension period.
Expulsion results in the immediate dismissal from all classes and activities and the expulsion must appear on the student’s permanent record.
Discipline Policies: 5th through 12th Grade
Minor infractions will receive an administrative referral (see below). Minor infractions might include, but are not limited to, classroom disruption, showing disrespect to the teacher or other students, or dress code violations.
Infractions of a chronic or more serious nature can receive the following consequences:
- A conference between parents, student, and administration to discuss the behavior to determine consequences
- Immediate suspension for determined amount of time appropriate to the offense
- Immediate expulsion for extreme offenses
If a student persists in disruptive, disrespectful, dangerous, destructive, or immoral behavior after corrective steps have been taken, that student will be subject to expulsion.
Suspension restricts a student from attending or participating in any school activity during the duration for the suspension. A student who has been suspended may not be permitted to make up any work that has been assigned during the period of suspension.
Expulsion results in the immediate dismissal from all classes and activities and the expulsion must appear on the student’s permanent record. Students who have been expelled may not attend any school activities or visit the school campus at any time.
Administrative Referral—Teachers will use an administrative referral system in maintaining discipline in the classroom. There are two referral categories: 1) dress code violation and 2) behavior violation.
The Director of Student Affairs will enter the referral notice into FACTS SIS student record and email the parents. If a student receives three administrative referrals, they will be given a detention and one demerit. This process will be supervised by the Director of Student Affairs. Students will be given work to do and will be supervised by the Director of Student Affairs or appointed school staff member.
If a student serves two detentions, the administrative disciplinary team will meet with parents and the student may be subject to suspension or expulsion.
Technology Policy
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Student Technology Agreement
All students, and their parents, in 6th through 12th grades must read, complete and sign a technology contract during the enrollment process. Whether or not a student will have technology at school, he/she does need to be aware of and understand the applicable school policies
Cell Phone
- The phone must be silenced during school hours (8:20 am – 3:20 pm).
- The phone must be kept in a closed compartment of a book bag or purse, or in a locker.
- The phone may not be taken out or used during class, between class, or during lunch except by specific permission and under the direct supervision of a teacher or member of the administration.
- The parent agrees to monitor the student’s cell phone and social media regularly to hold the student and friends accountable for appropriate speech and conduct.
If a school employee sees the phone out, or on the student’s person (even if it is not being used) or is told by any other party on the school grounds that the student is using the cell phone in any capacity without permission, the school employee will confiscate the device and parents will be notified. The parents must come to the school office to retrieve the cell phone; it will not be returned to the student. Student drivers will be allowed to pick up their phone from the office as they are leaving for the day.
Laptop, tablet, smart watches, and other devices with internet access
- A smart watch will be placed in airplane mode during school hours (8:20 am—3:20 pm).
- Other devices will be turned off and stored in a carrying case or book bag when not in use for a class, and will not be left sitting on the student’s desk.
- The device may not be taken out and used while on school property when not specifically used in a classroom under the supervision and at the request of a teacher.
Consequences for Misuse of Technology
If a school employee sees the device or is told by any other party on the school grounds that the student is using a device in any unauthorized capacity, the school employee will confiscate the device and turn it into the front office, and the parents will be notified by email. The parents must come to the school office to retrieve the device; it will not be returned to the student. Student drivers may pickup their phone from the office at the end of the day as they are leaving campus.
When a cell phone or electronic device is confiscated, the student will receive a written sanction and will not be allowed to bring the device back to school for 30 calendar days (excluding holidays). Upon the second offense the student will receive a demerit and will not be allowed to bring the device back to school for 100 calendar days (excluding holidays). Upon the third offence the student will receive one-day suspension and will not be allowed to bring the device to school for six months (excluding breaks and holidays).
Technology Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Students and visitors may not video record or audio record any activity or person on campus without permission from the individual(s) being recorded and administration. Doing so is considered a serious breach of privacy and will be dealt with accordingly.
Uniforms & Personal Appearance
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Students must wear uniforms that are on the approved uniform lists posted in FACTS Family Portal under Resource Documents or in the links below. Students who are in violation of the schools uniform code will receive an administrative referral (Student Behavior Policies). Parents are ultimately responsible for making sure the student has the appropriate uniform and wears it to school. From time to time there will be special dress days. Information regarding appropriate dress for those days will be communicated via email an on the App.
Fideles Christian School name and logo, and Fideles Rangers Athletics name and logo may not be reproduced or used on clothing of any type without getting approval and permission from the school.
Appearance Guidelines
- Hair must be neatly cut so that it does not fall into the student’s eyes. No non-traditional haircuts, like Mohawks or non-traditional hair colors, i.e. blue, purple, etc.
- Boys must be clean shaven. Juniors and Seniors only may have a close-cropped beard that is well-groomed.
- Hats and hoods may not be worn inside the building.
- Piercing jewelry is limited to girls, who may wear jewelry in ears and a small stud in one nostril. No jewelry may be worn in piercings between the nostrils or anywhere on the face other than described here, including magnetic, clip-on, etc.
- Boys may not wear any piercing jewelry to school on any part of their person.
- No visible body tattoos on students at school.
- Uniform bottoms must be the exact color and styles sold by approved uniform vendors.
- Shorts, skorts, and skirts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the top of the knee cap.
- Shirts must have logos embroidered by Fideles official uniform vendors.
- Privacy shorts must be worn under skirts and jumpers.
- Slacks and shorts must be loose fitting.
Appropriate Shoes
Students may wear dress, casual, or athletic shoes of any color or style that fully encloses the entire foot.
Girls only in 7th grade and older may wear flat or nearly flat sandals with strap across the heel.
Shoe No No’s
- No Crocs
- No Slides
- No Birkenstock style sandals
- No socks and sandals
- No heels higher than 1-1/2″
Outer Wear
Fideles branded* sweatshirts, jackets, & cardigan sweaters are the only items that can be worn in the classroom over the uniform. Any weather appropriate coats may be worn outdoors during recess/lunch.
*Branded items are those purchased from Fideles athletic teams, clubs, official uniform vendors, and school spirit wear store
Spirit Wear & Special Dress Days
Spirit wear is any Fideles branded t-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, that is associated with Rangers Athletics, Fideles clubs, Fideles events, and Fideles sponsored trips. There are several different occasions that allow students to wear spirit wear to school.
- Athletes may wear their Ranger’s team jersey (or other team shirt if designated by the coach) to school on a day they have a competition or the day before a competition on a non-school day.
- Students may wear any spirit wear shirt as defined above on any pre-announced Spirit Day.
- Students may wear that year’s themed, spirit shirt on Fridays. This shirt is sold annually at the beginning of the school year to raise funds for student activities.
Special Dress Days will be announced in advance by teachers and administration. They include, but may not be limited to:
- Homecoming spirit week
- Spirit days surrounding a holiday
- Class presentation days
- Read across American, Dr. Seuss week
On special dress days students are expected to participate in the theme of the day, or wear a uniform.
School Day Procedures
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Monday-Wednesday Daily Schedule
Class Start Time: 9:00 am – students are expected to be in class, seated and ready to begin class at 9am
Class End Time: 3:00 pm – students will begin packing up and preparing for pickup at 3pm.
Morning Drop-off Time: 8:30 am – 8:55 am – when back door is closed, students may be dropped off at the front office
Afternoon Pick-up Time: 3:05 pm – 3:25 pm – when back door is closed, students may be picked up at the front office
Students may be picked up by a parent or an adult designated by the parent in writing to the office, or in Family Portal.
Parents need to watch the carpool videos on the Fideles Christian School YouTube channel. Links will be emailed to parents and placed in the app before the start of the school year.
Tuesday-Thursday Daily Schedule (PK through 4th grade)
Students may be dropped off early or picked up later with their older siblings.
Pre-K, 1st, & 2nd grade
- Class Time: 8:45-2:45
- Morning Drop-off: 8:15-8:40
- Afternoon Pick-Up: 2:45-3:00
3rd & 4th grade
- Class Time: 8:45-3:00
- Morning Drop-off: 8:15-8:40
- Afternoon Pick-Up: 3:05-3:20
Parents need to watch the carpool videos on the Fideles Christian School YouTube channel for new year’s procedures. Links will be emailed to parents and placed in the app before the start of the school year.
- When drop-off and pick-up end the back door will be closed, then students will be dropped off or picked up at the front office.
- Students may be picked up by a parent or an adult designated by the parent in writing to the office, or in Family Portal.
Tuesday-Thursday-Friday Daily Schedule (5th & 6th grade)
Students may be dropped off early or picked up later with their older siblings.
- Class Time: 8:20 – 3:00
- Morning Drop-off: 7:50-8:15
- Afternoon Pick-up: 3:05-3:20
Parents need to watch the carpool videos on the Fideles Christian School YouTube channel for new year’s procedures. Links will be emailed to parents and placed in the app before the start of the school year.
- When drop-off and pick-up end the back door will be closed, then students will be dropped off or picked up at the front office.
- Students may be picked up by a parent or an adult designated by the parent in writing to the office, or in Family Portal.
Daily Schedule (7th - 12th)
Class schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday – 8:20 am – 3:20 pm students must be seated in the classroom at 8:20 am.
Morning drop-off: 7:50 am – 8:15 am students should be dropped off following carpool protocol at the building with their first class. Students arriving late must come to the front office of their drop off location to sign in (see attendance).
Afternoon pick-up: 3:30 – 3:50 pickup locations and procedures will be communicated through the carpool videos.*
Early athletics pick-up: location and times will be communicated to athletes in advance and changes by day and by sport.
*Parents need to watch the carpool videos on the Fideles Christian School YouTube channel for new year’s procedures. Links will be emailed to parents and placed in the app before the start of the school year.
Car Line Protocol
Car Line Protocol
- Display your number in the front windshield so it can be seen at a distance.
- Move quickly loading or unloading your students.
- Follow video instructions for where and when to drop off.
- Be aware of and courteous to our neighboring businesses as you come and go.
- Do not park and block the flow of traffic.
- Do not talk on your cell phone while in line.
- Move slowly and safely through parking lot.
- Make sure your student memorizes their carpool number!
- If the carpool line is backed up beyond the Fideles driveway, please continue the queue on public roads following the video instructions.
Inclement Weather School Closings
Fideles follows Forsyth County School cancellation for inclement weather. In case of Forsyth County early release or late start, Fideles will communicate exact times to parents. Fideles will confirm closings, or late start/early release times on the app, by email, and parent alert texts. On full cancellation days, students will be given assignments to complete at home which will be due the next day school is in session.
Health Guidelines
If your child experiences any illness during the school year, please adhere to the following guidelines before they return to the classroom. This will prevent the start of a school epidemic and show compassion for the rest of our school community.
- If your student has a fever, he/she should remain at home until fever free without medication for 24 hours.
- If your student has been vomiting, he/she should remain at home until 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting.
- If your student is taking an antibiotic for infection, he/she should remain at home until they have been on medication for at least 24 hours or as prescribed by the doctor.
- If your child has a very bad cold, (sore throat, heavy congestion, persistent cough, etc.), he/she should rest at home until the symptoms subside.
Students in 6th through 12th grades will be assigned a locker.
- The student may not have in his/her locker any items that are banned from school campus (tobacco products, illicit drugs, alcohol, or weapons).
- School administration may inspect a locker without a student’s consent or knowledge if there is reason to believe a banned substance is in the locker.
- Students may decorate the outside of lockers for special occasions using magnets or static cling. Decorations must be removed after one week.
- Students may decorate the inside of the locker with magnets or static cling items. NO STICKERS or TAPE.
- Students may visit their locker or congregate in the locker area only before school and when changing classes.
- Failure to bring books or homework to class because they are left in the locker is not an excuse and may be treated the same as leaving them at home.
- After school, the student may not linger in the locker area but must go directly to carpool after quickly getting the books he/she needs to take home.
- If the student puts a lock on the locker, it must be a combination lock and the office must be supplied with the combination.
- The school is not responsible for any items taken from a locker.
- Students in 6th – 8th grades need to arrive early enough to organize books in their locker and take their book bag to the designated area before the start of first period.
- No items should be left in the hallways around the lockers or on top of the lockers.
Packed lunches—students may bring a packed lunch and a drink (no caffeine for elementary and middle school students). A microwave is available for student use. Kindergarten and 1st grade students may NOT use the microwave. Students in 2nd grade and older must be trained at home to independently operate a microwave in order to bring a microwave lunch. Students should not bring microwave lunches that take longer than 2 minutes to heat.
Ordered lunches—
- Lunches may be ordered through FACTS Portal/Student Information/Lunches or in the app from the “Lunch” icon.
- There are NO ordered lunches on Mondays.
- The lunch order has NOT been completed until money is paid.
- Make sure your students know to pick up their ordered lunch from the lunch line.
Forgotten lunches— if a student leaves his lunch at home, he may purchase on IOU an extra ordered lunch if available, or a convenience lunch (Easy Mac, corn dogs, etc.). Parents will be notified by a call or email and a note sent home. Payment must be sent in the next school day.
Snack & Soda Machines—There is a snack machine in the lower building for students to purchase snacks after lunch or during car line. Elementary teachers may make classroom policy about snacks allowed during the school day, including snacks purchased from the vending machine. There is a soda machine in the high school lunch room for high school students only, and a snack machine. Only water can be taken into classrooms.
Lunch off Campus and Driving— SENIORS who drive may, with written parental permission, sign themselves out and drive to lunch. Students may not drive other students to lunch, except a sibling who is also a senior. This is a senior privilege which may be lost if the student is under disciplinary action. Students who leave campus for lunch are expected to return by the end of lunch period.
Student Employment & Work Permits
A student may not use employment as an excuse for incomplete or late work. High school students need to have at minimum six quality hours available for schoolwork on home days. Students taking honors and AP classes will need to set aside extra hours for schoolwork. School should be the student’s priority so learning and grades do not suffer.
Work permits are first initiated by the employer. The student will then bring in or email a Minor Security Key number to the school office. A school administrator will complete the permit. The student must pick it up from the administrator upon completion. Prior to beginning this process, confirm that the student’s date of birth in FACTS is correct.
Student Drivers: Parking, Enrollment Certificates, & ADAP Certification
Students must purchase a parking permit from the school office to park on campus. Reserved parking places may be purchased when applying for a parking permit at an additional cost. Student drivers may lose their parking privileges for any of the following offences.
- Exceeding posted speed limits of 25 mph on Oak Industrial Dr. and Weber Industrial Dr.
- Driving fast and/or recklessly on school grounds.
- Driving another student or riding with another student to leave campus during the school day.
- Leaving campus during the day without prior administrative and parental permission.
- Parking in another student’s or teacher’s reserved parking space.
School Enrollment Certificate for Learner’s Permit and License from GA Department of Driver’s Services may be obtained from the school office. The top student’s portion of the form must be completed in advance and submitted to the office in person or through email 24 hours prior to date needed. The school office will supply required notarized signature and will inform you when it is available for pickup. You are required to submit an original form, so it cannot be emailed to you.
ADAP Certification for new drivers: The State requires each new teen driver to take an ADAP (Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program) course. This course is available online, so we no longer teach it as part of our Health class. Here is the link: eADAP
Student Life Activities
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School Dances
There are three school dances during the school year.
- Homecoming Dance: Fall Semester, Saturday night of HOCO week, and is for high school students and their dates.
- Spring Dance: Spring Semester, for 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students. This is a non-date, Fideles students only dance.
- Prom: in the Spring Semester, for Juniors and Seniors, and their dates.
Non-Fideles students may attend Homecoming or Prom ONLY as an invited, opposite gender date of a Fideles student. The Fideles student must complete and turn in the appropriate approval form in advance. Students should NOT submit a date approval form for a guest who IS NOT their actual date. Doing this could result in suspension from subsequent school dances.
Appropriate dress for dances will be communicated with the dance invitations. At all dances the following dress guidelines must be observed.
- Dresses/tops may not be backless below the shoulder blades.
- Dresses/tops may not have plunging necklines
- Dresses/tops may not be strapless
- Dresses may not be shorter than 3” from the top of the knee-cap (no mini dresses)
- Dresses may not be tight or clingy from waste down
- Dresses that are above the knee in length must be worn with privacy shorts
- Leggings must have a tunic/top that is no shorter than 4” above the knee-cap
Dress approval for Homecoming and Spring Dance: Two full length photos of the student wearing the dress must be emailed to special.events@fideleschristianschool.com for prior approval. The photos must show two views; one from the front and one from the back with the student standing straight with arms relaxed and hanging to her side. The photos must be taken from a direct, straight-on angle and not from an above or below angle. The photos must be received at least 2 days before the dance. Approval or denial will be sent in a reply email. Please be aware of time constraints in case a dress is not approved.
Students attending Prom are not required to send a photo for prior approval but are expected to follow the published guidelines. Trust is given to these students based on age and maturity.