Rangers Athletics Handbook
Fideles Christian School Mission
The mission of Fideles Christian School (FCS) is to partner with parents to provide affordable, academically rigorous, college-preparatory education from a Christian worldview, so that the students may be prepared to engage and impact their community with excellence.
Statement of Faith
All families wishing to participate in FCS Rangers Athletics must agree with the FCS Statement of Faith.
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative, and inerrant Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).
- We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30).
- We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15; 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (1 Corinthians 15:3; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 2:9); His Resurrection (John 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15:4); His Ascension to the right hand of God (Mark 16:19); His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11).
- We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; that men are justified by grace because of the shed blood of Christ; and that only by God’s grace and through faith are we saved (John 3:16–19, 5:24, 25; Romans 3:23, 5:1, 8–9; Ephesians 1:3-5; 2:1, 8–10; Titus 3:5).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved receive eternal life and those who are lost receive eternal condemnation (John 5:28–29).
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 2:12–13; Galatians 3:26–28).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13–14; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19–20; Ephesians 4:30, 5:18).
- We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either biological male or biological female, and that these two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen. 1:26-27)
- We believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union (Gen. 2:18-25; I Cor. 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb. 13:4)
- We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including, but not limited to, adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, transgenderism, bestiality, incest, or use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God. (Matt. 15:18-20; I Cor. 6:9-10)
Athletics Philosophy
Rangers Athletics is guided by the biblical principle found in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Athletics, like any other human endeavor, is intended to honor and glorify God. The FCS Administration and Board believe that athletics can serve as an excellent proving ground for a student’s sanctification in the Lord. Therefore, Rangers Athletics strives to maintain an environment where biblical character and values are reinforced for every Rangers Athlete as outlined below.
Rangers Character
- Love – Athletes are provided the opportunity to develop their own skills while also placing the good of the team before their own personal gain (1 Corinthians 13:3, Philippians 2:4).
- Humility – Players glorify God by acknowledging that He alone has given them the skill and ability to win the competition or has allowed the loss (Galatians 6:14, James 4:6).
- Endurance –Training and competition provides times of testing in which an athlete can learn that, through perseverance, God brings great reward and personal growth (Galatians 6:9).
- Wisdom – Using godly wisdom, the athlete learns how to respond in various situations (James 1:5, Proverbs 9:10).
Rangers Values
- Obedience – Athletes learn obedience by responding to officials and coaches as God-appointed authorities (Romans 13:1).
- Faith – Athletes learn faith when they recognize that God teaches them lessons through winning and losing on the scoreboard (Hebrews 11:1-5).
- Diligence – Athletes strive to do their best to win, but they do not forfeit their testimony in winning (Proverbs 12:27, Colossians 3:23).
Motive – Athletes are directed by Christian values that transcend earthly materialistic gain (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
League Affiliation
Fideles Christian School is a member school of Georgia Association of Private & Parochial Schools (GAPPS), a statewide athletics sanctioning organization that is governed by its member schools. Our GAPPS sanctioned teams follow the GAPPS Manual Constitution & By-Laws and Sports-Specific Rules. FCS may have academic or athletic policies that go above and beyond GAPPS policies. Where FCS isn’t specific, it can be assumed that the GAPPS policy is followed as written. For more information about GAPPS, visit gappschools.com.
Athletics Eligibility
Who is Eligible?
FCS Students and approved homeschooled, a.k.a. Alternatively Educated Students (AES) are eligible to participate in Rangers Athletics. Public school students are not eligible. Students not enrolled at FCS or a GAPPS member school cross-over athlete, are considered AES. Students must be enrolled at FCS to be considered an FCS student.
Roster limits are determined for each sport by GAPPS and an AES athlete cannot be accepted over an FCS student-athlete where AES limits apply. With the approval of the Athletic Director, coaches may choose not to have the maximum number of roster participants. If necessary, tryouts will be used to maintain roster limits.
Age/Grade Classifications
- JUNIORS – 3rd through 5th grade (8 years old through 11 years old, as of September 1st)
- MIDDLE SCHOOL – 6th through 8th grade (11 years old through 13 years old, as of September 1st)
- HIGH SCHOOL – 9th through 12th grade (14 years old through 18 years old, as of September 1st)
For high school, a student has eight (8) consecutive semesters or four (4) years of eligibility from the date of entry into the 9th grade.
Appeals can be made for athletes who are older than their designated age above. Appeals can also be made for athletes who are 19 their senior year provided they did not turn 19 before May 1st of their junior year.
With the exception of football, a student-athlete one grade level younger may be permitted to compete/participate or “play up” to the next classification without GAPPS approval. For example, a 5th grade athlete may play up on a Middle School team or an 8th grade athlete may play up on a high school team. Student-athletes two or more grade levels younger in classification must submit a “Permission to Play Up” application to GAPPS. Coaches must recommend, roster limits must allow for and GAPPS must approve these exceptions.
Academic Requirements
To be eligible to participate in any interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible. The Athletic Director will verify the academic eligibility of each student athlete.
Student-athletes must have a grade average of all core subjects (language, math, science, and social studies) above 75% to remain in good academic standing. If a student has 75% or lower average for all core subjects, or if a student fails any subject, the student will be placed on academic probation. For the purpose of athletics, grades will be reviewed at the end of the first week each month.
A student-athlete on probation may continue to participate in team practice, but may not compete in meets, games or competition until the next monthly review period. If after review a student has recovered his/her academic eligibility, he/she may return to competition. If grades have not been recovered, the probation period is extended another month. If participation in Rangers Athletics is a detriment to a student-athletes’s academic performance as noted above, FCS Administration may deem the student ineligible for participation in the athletics program.
FCS and Rangers Athletics reserves the right to request AES transcripts or grade reports for the previous semester to determine academic eligibility requirements equivalent to FCS students.
Absence from School
If an athlete is absent from school on a practice or competition day, he/she may not participate in any practice or competition that day.
Alternatively Educated Students
GAPPS member schools may use homeschool students, a.k.a. Alternatively Educated Students (AES) if they do not have enough enrolled students to form a team. Athletic and academic eligibility of all AES athletes must be verified by the Athletic Department and GAPPS before they can be added to a roster.
- AES students must live within 30 miles of the member school
- Fideles Christian School will become the AES student’s “home base” for all sports
- AES students must sign an AES Agreement Form and pay an additional athletic fee
- AES students must provide a copy of the Declaration of Intent to Homeschool
- AES students must provide a signed copy of their report card or transcripts
Adding Sports and Teams
The Rangers Athletics program is open to adding more sports as the school continues to grow, and the facilities and funds are available. All sports are subject to having enough student-athlete participation, available athletic facilities, parental involvement and coach availability. The Athletic Director must review feasibility and will request the approval and support of FCS Administration before adding new sports.
Competition & Practice Requirements
Attendance & Commitment
Rangers Athletics has worked hard to earn and maintain a reputation of excellence and high character among the Fideles family, GAPPS member schools and the local community. FCS athletes and coaches are “Ambassadors” for the Rangers on and off the field, court and track. Therefore, coaches will have high expectations of each athlete which includes, but is not limited to, attendance, work ethic, a positive and willing attitude, Christ-like behavior, good sportsmanship, and respect for their coach and teammates.
Once an athlete has joined a team, he/she is committed to arriving on time and participating in all practices and games until the last game/meet is completed. Parents and/or athletes are responsible for informing their coach, ahead of time, of any absences or late arrivals. Each coach will announce his/her policies and expectations for tardiness and missed practices or games. Ranger Athletics is supportive of its athletes being involved in their local church/youth group. For that reason, FCS will generally not schedule any practices or games on Wednesday evening or Sundays
Playing Time
Playing time and position assignment are determined by the coaches. Playing time is not guaranteed and is at the coach’s discretion. Attendance, work ethic, experience at a position, and being sure the player can be effective and remain safe at their assigned position are considered when determining playing time. Athletes are encouraged to speak directly with their coach if they have questions about playing time.
Quitting a Sport
Responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and honoring commitments are all attributes that FCS wishes to instill in its athletes. Athletes and parents must realize that participating on a team, whether in middle school or high school, is going to require some effort and sacrifice of time and resources. The decision to join a team is a commitment that must be honored.
Quitting should be a last resort after all other options have been exhausted. Student-athletes should arrange jobs and any other activities so as not to conflict with practice and games. If a student-athlete is dismissed or voluntarily leaves the team, at any time during the season, he/she is not eligible to participate in another sport until the season of the sport dropped is over, unless there is an agreement between the coaches involved and approved by the Athletic Director.
A parent-coach conference is recommended if an athlete wishes to quit. Should it be determined that it is in the best interest of the athlete to no longer participate on the team, the coach must forward the student’s name and specific circumstance to the Athletic Director.
Multiple-Sport Athletes
Athletes are encouraged to participate in multiple sports during a calendar year provided there is no conflict in practice and game schedules. Where sports seasons, preseason training, practices or competition overlap, athletes must fulfill their commitment to the first sport they join while participating in a second program. In the event of schedule conflicts, coaches of both programs must be notified and try to coordinate practice and game schedules if possible. Priority will always be given to the first sport joined.
Uniform & Dress Code
Rangers uniforms must meet all GHSA & GAPPS requirements. Practice and game uniforms are expected to be modest and relevant to the sport.
Boys and girls must wear shirts at practices and competitions. For girls, sports bras must be worn and must be covered by a shirt or tank top. Shorts must be worn properly and not rolled at the waist or pulled down to reveal undergarments.
Athlete’s shorts must have a minimum inseam of 3 inches. Form-fitting garments (spandex, compression shorts) may only be worn under loose-fitting shorts or pants that meet the minimum inseam requirement. Spandex uniform shorts shall be allowed for Girls Volleyball and for Track & Field events where standard running shorts would not be modest or allow full range of motion required for the event.
Uniform and equipment items are property of Rangers Athletics except for items purchased by the athlete. Each student must dress in assigned practice and game apparel when participating in scheduled events. Some dress code issues may not be covered under specific guidelines of this packet. Therefore, please be aware that all decisions regarding dress code for Rangers events and what constitutes a violation will ultimately be determined by the athletic program and enforced by the coach.
Early Release
Athletes who leave school early for competition are responsible for contacting, in advance, the teachers whose classes they will miss, and for making arrangements for missed work. All assignments are to be turned in before the students leave school. The Athletic Director will inform the school what time athletes are permitted to leave school early.
Athletes are responsible for their own transportation to and from sporting events and are expected to arrive on time to all warm-ups, practices, and games. Athletes should have permission from their parents to ride with other teen drivers, coaches, parents or in the Rangers Van if available. Drivers of the Rangers Van must be insured, approved and listed as such by FCS. Permission forms must be signed by a parent to be allowed to ride in the Rangers Van or team vehicle.
Varsity Letterman Standards
Athletes in grades 9-12, who complete a season as a Varsity participant are eligible to receive ONE varsity letter regardless of the number of sports played. Eighth (8th) graders or younger participating on a varsity team are not eligible for a varsity letter until they enter the 9th grade. Playing time is not a factor in whether an athlete receives a letter. If a student is injured during the season and unable to compete, the coaches should determine how the student can best serve the team as a Varsity participant. Varsity letters will be provided by Rangers Athletics to be presented at the end-of-season awards banquet. Sport-specific pins or chevrons will be issued with the letter. Each subsequent year, varsity athletes will receive a bar pin or chevron signifying their continued participation in each sport. JV participants who play 50% or more of the varsity season may be eligible to receive a varsity letter at the coach’s discretion.
Varsity letter jackets are offered to high school athletes and may be ordered directly from:
A-Team Sports 176 Tri-County Plaza, Cumming, GA 30040, (770) 889-9980.
Fees, Forms & Fundraising
Registration Fees
FCS Athletics sets the registration fees for its sports based on facility rental and maintenance, officials, GAPPS league fees, insurance, Rangers owned uniforms, awards, equipment, a stipend for coaches and administrative staff and other expenses. Fees may vary from year to year and will be updated on the Rangers Athletics webpages. Athletes who have not paid their participation fees by the deadline will become ineligible until fees are paid or arrangements are made with the Athletic Department. All athletic fees are non-refundable. Fees may be prorated on a case-by-case basis due to extenuating circumstances. AES student-athletes are required to pay additional fees to cover their GAPPS application and additional administrative costs.
Uniform Fees
Uniform fees are determined by each sport and will be estimated and posted at the time of registration. Athletes will be responsible for purchasing his/her own uniform. Some gear or uniforms owned by Athletics may be borrowed and must be returned within two weeks after the season ends. Athletes are responsible for proper care and condition of their uniform and gear. The cost of replacing unreturned, lost or damaged uniforms is the responsibility of the athlete.
Sport-Specific Costs
Athletes are responsible for the purchase of personal equipment and apparel required by their sport that is not provided by Rangers Athletics. Items required for each athlete will be communicated by the coach or team coordinator.
Gate Fees
Gate fees are an important part of funding expenses related to hosting games and supporting the needs of the athletics program. Some of those expenses include gym, field and facility rental, game officials or referees, and related equipment or supplies.
Free admission to Rangers regular season home games is available to:
- Coaches, Game Officials/Referees, Athletes competing in that specific sport/game
- Spouses of Rangers coaches and immediate family members living at the home for that sport
- Volunteers working that home game (scorekeeper, concessions, gate, team/volunteer coordinator)
- FCS Executive Director, Director of Business Development, Athletic Director, Assistant AD and their spouses
- GAPPS Passholders
Required Forms & Documents
Students participating in athletics are required to fill out and submit the following forms:
All Athletes (annually):
- Sports Physical Examination
- Medical Release
- Concussion Acknowledgement
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement
AES Athletes (once):
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- GAPPS AES Application Form
- Copy of Declaration of Intent to Homeschool (annually)
- Report Card Signed by Parent (per semester)
Medical Release Form
Parents are required to complete and sign a Medical Release form when registering for a sport. This form releases FCS from any claims or damages arising out of or relating to any physical injury while participating in Rangers Athletics. The form also authorizes coaches, assistant coaches, or parents acting in the capacity of activity supervisor to administer common first aid treatment on site and act as the agent of the parent to consent to emergency medical, surgical or dental examination or treatment in their absence.
Fundraisers may be established during the year by the coaches, parent volunteers or booster club. All fundraising ideas and projects must be pre-approved by the Athletic Director and FCS Administration. Families must agree to participate in any group fundraising activities or pay an equivalent net monetary amount as established by the program. Any fundraising or expenses or overhead should come from the funds raised or donated by participants. Donor names and contact information should be collected and notes of gratitude should be sent to donors in a timely manner.
Sponsorships have great potential for supporting our athletics program. FCS families and staff are encouraged to pursue potential sponsors and sponsorships must have a specific financial designation within the Rangers Athletics Program. All sponsorship ideas and projects must be pre-approved by the Athletic Director and FCS Administration. Sponsors should provide their contact and company logo and there must be a timebound agreement between the sponsor and Rangers Athletics for any display or advertisement of the sponsor publicly including banners, social media posts, verbal announcements and website ads and links.
Child Safety & Protection
Our first priority is keeping students safe. Our coaches are required to complete the following certifications/training:
- Background Check
- Protecting Students from Abuse
- CPR/1st Aid/AED
- Concussion Awareness
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Heat Illness Prevention
- GAPPS League By-Laws Test
- GAPPS League Sport Specific Rules Test
Accountability is important and can be beneficial to all. One-on-one athlete and coach interactions should be in view of other teammates, coaches and/or parents. An athlete is not permitted to be alone with a coach. Any text, email or online communication between an athlete and a coach should have a third person (another coach, parent or teammate) copied or be within a group setting.
An athlete who sustains an injury during participation in his/her sport should inform the coach. The coach will inform the parent of any injuries sustained during a Rangers practice or competition. Incident reports are required for concussions and fainting. Athletes must have written approval and follow protocols from their doctor for returning to play for concussions and fainting. All insurance claims should be filed with the student’s primary insurance carrier.
In an effort to prevent abuses, to protect and enhance the welfare of children, and to preserve family life wherever possible, Georgia’s Mandated Reporter Law requires coaches, teachers, administrators and others working with minors to report if they have reasonable cause to believe that suspected child abuse has occurred.
Helpful resources for recognizing and reporting abuse: https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/family-abuse.html
Athletics Logo & Branding
Fideles Christian School and Ranger Rex Logo and Branding information can be found at www.fideleschristianschool.com/branding.
Fideles Christian School branding is protected by applicable copyright laws and any use of the brand/trademarks of Fideles Christian School must be authorized and approved by school administration.
Uniform Design
All practice and team uniforms are selected and designed to follow GHSA/GAPPS guidelines. Final design and style approval is made by the Athletic Director and Branding Committee. Uniform style/design should last a minimum of 2 to 3 years depending on the sport.
Spirit Wear
Spirit wear is a great way to show support for the Rangers. All spiritwear designs and apparel vendors must be reviewed and approved by the Athletic Director prior to opening a Rangers spirit wear store. Spirit wear refers to apparel for fans and families, not actual team uniforms.
Social Media & Website
Posts on Rangers Instagram and Facebook accounts must be approved by the Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Director or approved designee. Language, photos, logos or advertisements must meet standards reflective of FCS/Rangers Athletics quality, values and character.
Parental Involvement
Parents are integral to the success of both athletes and the athletics program. Whether they are coaches, volunteers or encouragers, parents provide vital leadership and support. Involved and considerate parents are welcomed and necessary to our teams.
Just as athletes are expected to be respectful and positive, parents must maintain a positive and collaborative approach with coaches, athletes as well as spectators (home and visiting). Supportive parents know it is important to allow coaches to coach without parental interference, except where safety or emergency is a concern and a parent/spectator can provide critical support or care.
Parent Volunteers
Coaches love their sport and want to see their athletes grow and succeed. Coaches do not simply arrive at practice to facilitate the day’s workout. They put countless hours into developing and implementing practice and gameplans, completing FCS and league required training and attending meetings, researching equipment needs, working with their budget and are constantly growing in their coaching skills.
Therefore, it is necessary for parents to volunteer according to team or coach needs throughout the season. Volunteer duties include but are not limited to game day setup, gate and concessions, clock operator, game manager, parking attendants, stats, spirit wear, uniform or equipment manager, scorekeeper, team awards, team communications, announcer, season-end banquet/party, fundraising coordinator, and other administrative support. Not only are parents supporting coaches and the team, they are also building community with one another that is so vital to a healthy and welcoming program.
Coaches may decide whether or not parents or visitors may attend practice or tryouts if they do not have a specific role at the event. Parents, siblings and friends are not permitted to attend practices if they are a distraction to athletes.
Only coaches, athletes and designated volunteers are allowed to enter the playing area or be on the sidelines of any practice or competition. Spectators are not allowed to enter the competition area during practice, warm-ups or while the contest is being conducted and must remain in the stands or other designated spectator areas.
Good sportsmanship shall be observed by all family members and spectators at Rangers events, practices and competitions. Unsportsmanlike conduct toward or risking the safety of any athlete, coach, officials or other spectators may result in a warning, ejection and/or fines. See the GAPPS Manual Constitution & By-Laws for all sportsmanship regulations and spectator guidelines. Parents are responsible for siblings of the athletes. Siblings and young guests are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and should stay with the family unit during games or competition for their safety and others enjoyment of the game.
Rangers Athletics strives to operate its program in a manner that will provide the greatest possible enjoyment and benefit to those involved. We recognize that athletics, despite the focus on teamwork and community is also competitive, and disputes can arise on the part of a coach, athlete, parent or spectator. A dispute is defined as a disagreement, argument or debate. In the event of a dispute, a 24-hour waiting period is recommended before approaching those involved about an issue. A little time is always helpful to check emotions and to be sure the concern merits discussion. Using Matthew 18:15-18 as a biblical guide to handle disputes, the first step is to go directly to the person with whom you are having the dispute respectfully and calmly. Where disputes cannot be resolved by a meeting between the disputants, only then should the issue be brought in the following order: (1) Coach, (2) Athletic Director, (3) School Administration, (4) Board of Directors. FCS will not tolerate gossip or slander, and any participants who engage in such behavior may be dismissed from participation in the athletics program.
Athletic Sportsmanship & Discipline
Parents, coaches and athletes are expected to demonstrate the highest standard of Christian principles and sportsmanship at all times. Our behavior should reflect a positive Christian testimony on the field, court, track and in the stands. Respect must be shown to coaches, teammates, parents, officials, other teams and fans at all times. Athletes should strive to build up and encourage their teammates. Negative speech among teammates will not be tolerated. Any violation of this policy may impact the student-athlete’s participation in any sport by means of probation, suspension or expulsion from the program.
Repeated ejections from athletic events may result in the athlete’s dismissal from the team and forfeiture of athletic privileges for the remainder of the school year. Final determination of the enforcement of this policy shall be at the discretion of the coach(es) and the administration.
Athlete Code of Conduct
Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright. (Proverbs 20:11)
The purpose of the FCS Rangers Athletics code of conduct is to promote a Christ-like attitude in its learning environment and to encourage the development of positive Christian relationships among its students. Therefore, it is important to have specific guidelines regarding behavior while participating in Fideles athletics. While behavior during practices and competition is primary, FCS reserves the right to address any conduct that will significantly affect team relationships and environment.
- Athletes should show respect at all times. Therefore, a title, (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Coach, etc.) should be used when addressing an adult.
- Athletes should treat each other with respect, kindness, purity, and compassion. So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12). Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Timothy 2:22).
- Athletes are expected to be truthful, honest, and upright in their words and actions as a matter of personal conscience and beliefs.
- Athletes must honor the Fideles casual dress code on campus and at school-sponsored events.
- Athletes should arrive at practices and competition promptly with a good attitude and be ready to fully participate.
- The practice and competition facilities and grounds should be kept clean, orderly, and in a manner which shows an attitude of gratefulness.
- Use of profanity is not permitted.
- Public displays of affection such as hand holding, kissing, etc. are not permitted.
- Athletes may not use social media or technology on or off campus to bully, harass other athletes or Fideles students, or expose other athletes/students to immoral and inappropriate language or content.
- Tobacco products, illicit drugs, alcohol, or weapons are not allowed on campus or at any FCS-sponsored event.
- Hazing, bullying, or harassment of any kind will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Fideles students AND home-schooled students, please use THIS LINK to access the form to express your interest in Fideles Athletics in the coming school year.
Sports Physical Form
(to be filled out by a medical professional)
Non-Fideles (home schooled) Student-Athletes must complete/provide the following additional forms, information and fee.
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of Declaration of Intent
Registration, Fees & Payment
Once you have committed to a sport or make a team, you will register, complete forms and pay through PICKLE JUICE. A specific registration invitation will be sent at that time.

Fideles Christian School is a member of the Georgia Association of Private & Parochial Schools (GAPPS). Rangers Athletics teams are open to Fideles and a limited number alternatively educated students (AES) homeschool students. The purpose of GAPPS is to create an environment where high school and middle school students can compete at their levels yet still be encouraged to grow in their faith.